American Foxtrot | Smooth

Welcome to American Foxtrot! Foxtrot is another ballroom classic, and even a popular social dance. Compared to other Smooth style dances like Waltz, Foxtrot is very flat with little rise and fall.

If you have any questions, bring them with you to class!

Let’s DancE!


The Moves

Quarter Turns (In-Line)

The Quarter Turn is a basic step in Foxtrot, leading to the distinctive zigzag movement pattern.

Quarter Turns (Outside PartNer)

A variation to normal Quarter Turns. Outside partner is more common in Foxtrot than other dances we’ve done so far.

Rock turn aRound Corner

This is a nice and simple way to turn out of a corner.

PromeNade with Underarm TurN

This may be the first step we learn where the Lead performs an underarm turn.

There are other variations to this step, so come learn some extra moves at Technique Classes!

Natural Pivot Turn

The Natural Pivot Turn is the advanced way to turn a corner. Much more showy and glamorous, and more difficult as well!

Side ad Lib

This step can be used as a brief pause. All of our other moves are fast and travel far, so use this to catch your timing and avoid other couples.


Grapevine is similar to Quarter Turns, but not at all, and it’s much faster!

That’s it for our lesson! If you want to learn more, join us at our meetings and send us any questions you might have! Thank you to Abigail, Michael, and Dana for filming these videos and keeping us practicing!