International Rumba | Latin

Welcome to Rumba! There are two variants of Rumba, International and American, and they’re pretty different, so pay attention! Also check out our International Cha-Cha lessons from our last meeting!

In the meantime, here’s a playlist to get you in a Rumba mood, International Rumba!

Time to Dance!

Lead’s Part


Follow’s Part (Women’s)


The Moves


The Basic

The International Rumba basic is identical for both partners, except for starting foot. Because this is Latin, there is an emphasis to stepping onto straight legs.

New Yorker

New Yorkers are a popular move in Latin dances, so it’s no surprise they’re here in Rumba!

Be dramatic with it!

Spot Turns

Spot turns start in the same way. In a spot turn, you and your partner will step out and come back together as shown.


Hand-to-Hand is nearly the opposite of New Yorkers. Instead of stepping forward and to the side, both partners will turn and step backwards together. Keep your inner hands together and keep your other arm high and proud!


The Lead simply steps forward for both rock-steps, and the Follow backwards for hers. Simple, subtle, beautiful!

Fan (Advanced move)

Beginning of fan

Fan is a beautiful move for beginner dancers, though tricky with Rumba’s rhythm. The move begins with the first half of the basic and continues from there.

Middle of fan

exit from fan

Fan ends with a Hockey Stick and returns to the basic position.

That’s it for our online lesson today! If you have any other questions or want to learn more, please get in contact with our E-Board or student teachers. Thank you to Abigail and Michael for their amazing work this week!