International Samba and Tango

Welcome back to Technique! This week we’ll be covering International Samba and Tango.

We’ll be reviewing Tango steps at 7:30pm in the RPAC North Gym! Samba will be covered at our Sunday lessons at 2:30pm. Check your emails for more information and make sure to RSVP for in-person meetings!

If you have any questions, feel free to contact either Mimi Cai at or Jackson Burkholder at and we will be sure to discuss your questions with Dana.

Let’s DancE!



Pivot Turn

Twist Turn and Pivot Turn

The first video provides a general overview of the differences, while the second focuses on difference in how to lead the move.


Samba Sequence

Here’s a nice Samba step sequence for practice! Don’t be frightened by the speed, as we’ll break it down in the next videos.


The Samba Whisk is the “standard” step for Samba.


Rise and fall

That’s it for our lesson! If you want to learn more, join us at our meetings and send us any questions you might have! Thank you to Jackson, Mimi, and Dana for our lessons this week!