American Tango | Smooth

Welcome to American Tango! Tango is an iconic ballroom dance unlike any others that we’ve covered so far.

With that, lets Tango!

Let’s DancE!


The Moves


The Tango Basic step is unlike any dance we’ve covered so far. It can be difficult to learn, so make sure to ask questions!


Corte is a small back step by the Lead, and is more complicated than it may at first seem.

Outside Partner

This may look like a similar step to the Basic, but pay attention to the position of the Lead relative to the Follow throughout the dance.

Getting Into Promenade

Promenade is an important position in Tango, so here is how to get into Promenade from the Basic.

Reverse Turn

The Reverse Turn can seem like an intimidating move, but our coach Dana breaks it down into simple steps we’ve already learned!

Promenade to Fan

This is one of the benefits of promenade position. It allows us to open into Fan position, which is beautifully showy!

Closing Fan

That’s it for our lesson! If you want to learn more, join us at our meetings and send us any questions you might have! Thank you to Abigail, Michael, and Dana for filming these videos and keeping us practicing!