American Swing | Rhythm

Welcome to American Swing! Swing dancing is one of the most popular forms of social dancing nowadays, or at least before the pandemic, and now we’re going to cover the ballroom side of it. Fun Fact: American Swing is also called East Coast Swing, and there is West Coast Swing too!

Let’s DancE!


The Moves


The Swing basic is one of the fastest steps we’ve learned so far, but also one of the easiest to practice alone.

Along with getting the timing right, there’s also footwork and hip action. Come join us on Thursday to learn more!

Underarm Turn

This is a move that we cover in a lot of different dances, so here’s the Swing version!


Spin is a really fun move to practice with your partner (if we had them!).

Reverse Turn

The reverse turn is so named because the Follow travels under the Lead’s arm in the reverse direction, outside to inside, as the underarm turn.

Turns and spins are part of the fun in Swing, so look at how they can be combined in the next step.

Underarm Turn w/Backpass

We start this move with an underarm turn, followed by a backpass, and closing with a reverse turn.

Stop and Go

Four Kicks

Four Kicks is one of the moves unique to Swing and not in Jive.

That’s it for our lesson! If you want to learn more, join us at our meetings and send us any questions you might have! Thank you to Abigail, Michael, and Dana for filming these videos and keeping us practicing!