Technique | International Cha-Cha and Rumba

Welcome to Technique! Every week this semester we will be using this area to answer questions you guys have asked and to bring out some extra tips for the dances we’ve covered!

If you have a question you want answered from a lesson, make sure to email them to Abigail at before the following Sunday of that lesson. All questions are good questions! If you’re confused someone else probably is too!


Technique and Tips


With all that we talk about steps and footwork, you may have forgotten that you even have arms! Don’t worry, though, because they’re about to get some use!

Here our coach Dana covers some tips for how to position your arms in International Cha-Cha and Rumba.

Back Rock

These two dances are Latin style, so we have some extra emphasis on how to position your body on these steps.

Checking Action

The forward step in Rumba and Cha-Cha is the Checking Action. Again, we pay special attention to the timing and positioning of this step.

Cha-Cha Moves

Cha-Cha Chasses

Spot Turns

Rumba Moves

Spot Turns

Rumba and Cha-Cha spot turns differ, so pay close attention!

RUMBA Fan, Lead’s Part

Intro/Lead into Fan

Follow’s Part

That’s it for technique! Remember, all of these clips are from questions we get throughout the week! If there’s something you want to see, just ask Abigail. Thank you to Abigail, Michael, and Dana for filming these videos and keeping us practicing!